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Barley | Grains, Feed and Oilseeds


There is no big difference between summer and winter varieties of barley and skinny-plump grains in terms of structure and nutrition. The protein content and protein quality of barley is not very high. Barley is richer than corn in terms of protein, amino acids such as lysine, tryptophan and cystine. However, its crude cellulose content is lower. Higher fat content lowers the energy value.


While barley can be given to all animals, it is especially suitable for ruminant animals. However, anything other than what is given to sheep and goats should be roughly broken or crushed and given to the animals. However, anything other than what is given to sheep and goats should be roughly broken or crushed and given to the animals. Otherwise, a significant part of the barley grains fed to animals such as horses, mules, cattle and buffalos may be excreted undigested through feces. On the other hand, if it is ground very finely, its consumption decreases due to dough formation in the mouth.


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